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Anniversary Campaign Half Way
Okay, so Michael Navarra wasn’t signing Bon Jovi in our 2010 “Two Gentlement of Verona.” But that’s a pretty awesome guitar, right?

In honor of our 35th Anniversary, we’re raising $200,000 to support a range of special projects that will help us connect more deeply with communities all over the Bay Area. And thanks to people who believe in our work and our mission–people like YOU, you reading this right now–we’re thrilled to announce that we’re already halfway to our goal!

The campaign supports crucial capacity and outreach projects for our 35th year in San Francisco, helping us to build and create:

We couldn’t be more excited about all of these projects, and you can expect to hear about them in more detail here over the next few months.

The first phase of our 35th Anniversary campaign has included three leadership gifts of $35,000 each, from incredibly generous individuals who share our desire to make Shakespeare accessible to everyone. That brings us over halfway to our goal, which will supplement the more than $600,000 we raise every year to support core programs like Free Shakespeare in the Park, Shakespeare on Tour, and Midnight Shakesepare, and Bay Area Shakepseare CampsWe want to thank these donors for their leadership, vision, and dedication to SF Shakes! 

They make us feel like this:


Reaching the halfway point toward our goal is an incredible milestone, and we look forward to celebrating both milestone and anniversary at our upcoming 35th Anniversary Gala at the Marines’ Memorial Club on April 22.

We also look forward to continuing this campaign journey with all of you as we keep working toward our goal. We have spent the past 35 years delivering on the Bay Area’s promise of inclusion and diversity, and your support has been a huge part of that success.

We are honored to have you as part of the SF Shakes family.


